Understanding What General Paper Tuition at The Thought Tailor is Like

Depicting Global Affairs

General paper is widely regarded in Singapore as a difficult subject to master as it doesn’t have a fixed technique like maths and science do where students can memorise and regurgitate their way to excellent grades. GP not only tests one’s linguistic abilities; it also challenges their critical thinking and analytical faculties, as well as their knowledge of the world around them. Here at The Thought Tailor, we pride ourselves for being one of the standout centres with a high success rate. If you’re on the lookout for the best GP tuition to enrol your child in, we invite you to take a closer look at how our general paper tuition in Singapore is conducted.

Step-by-Step Instructions by Tutors

Step-by-Step Instructions by Tutors

Students are often left confused when receiving an influx of information without any form of organisation. Many tuition programmes stuff the syllabus down the students’ throats and leave them to figure it out on their own, which can result in an ineffectual and frustrating experience for them. Here at The Thought Tutor, what sets us apart from other general paper tuition in Singapore is the great emphasis we place on structured learning, and our tutors are well-versed in providing students with comprehensive, step-by-step instructions to navigate GP’s many complexities. While it takes more than that to nurture cognitive skills like critical thinking, there are aspects of the subject that tutors can help develop, such as writing skills, understanding current affairs, and so on. When students are able to better understand what’s expected of them in the subject, they’ll find it easier to improve their critical thinking and analytical skills.

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Intensive Consultation Support

One of the benefits of a good tuition programme is the small class size that allows tutors to devote more attention to each student—a luxury that schools simply can’t afford. Here at The Thought Tailor, we too recognise the importance of catering to each student’s unique learning style and pace, especially in a subject as complex as GP. Our general paper tuition in Singapore also comes with intensive consultation support that allows students to clarify doubts, seek additional explanations, and receive personalised guidance on the areas where they may need extra help in, all in a safe and conducive learning environment.

Academic Monitoring and Regular Check-ins

Academic Monitoring and Regular Check-ins

In order to ensure that our students are progressing, The Thought Tailor conducts regular check-ins and academic monitoring that not only helps us better understand how each student is coping or faring in our general paper tuition in Singapore; but also ascertain if they’re doing well outside the classroom. Learning is as much academic as it is psychological, and if students are burdened by external circumstances, it could also impact their ability to focus.

Two Teacher Mentors per Student: Optimum Supervision, Teaching, and Resources

What Mentoring Means

As a testament to our commitment to our students, The Thought Tailor employs a two-mentor system where two teachers are assigned to each student to mentor them personally and provide different perspectives along with a wealth of GP resources. Shunning the usual robotic teaching, our tutors instead take on an empathetic approach by building rapport with students and helping them feel at ease during classes. Additionally, our teaching team comprises MOE-certified educators who are highly qualified and experienced, with an intimate knowledge of the ins and outs of the general paper syllabus.

Tutors Analyse and Investigate Latest Issues and Trends

Tutors Analyse and Investigate Latest Issues and Trends

One of the biggest reasons why we provide the best GP tuition is our dedicated GP curriculum research team that focuses solely on staying abreast of the latest international issues and trends. Our research team actively analyses and investigates contemporary topics and breaks them down into easy-to-understand bite-size pieces for our students. This also ensures that our curriculums remain up to date and relevant, and our students always have access to the latest information.

Constantly Enhanced and Updated Notes for Every Student

Constantly Enhanced and Updated Notes for Every Student

The continuous updating of our curriculum is also reflected in the comprehensive notes that we provide each student with. This grants them access to the latest insights, relevant examples, and various perspectives—all the tools they need to have a competitive edge over their peers in the examination.

Here at The Thought Tailor, we believe that the journey to GP excellence shouldn’t be one of reluctance and frustration; it should be a holistic and riveting experience that nurtures genuine interest in the subject amongst our students. This allows learning to be more organic, and progress more lasting. To find out more about our programmes and teaching methodologies, please contact us today.


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