Parents’ Guide to Helping Their Child Excel in Secondary School English

Parents Guide to Helping Their Child Excel in Secondary School English

When it comes to secondary school English curriculum, many parents feel uncertain about how to provide effective support. After all, there is more to success in English than just reading and writing. As your child enters secondary school, you may start to notice that the subject is becoming more challenging — from analysing complex texts to writing persuasive essays, there are many new skills that your child will need to develop to succeed.

Beyond reading and writing, critical thinking, analysis, and communication abilities are also essential for success not just in secondary school, but in higher education and the workforce.

So if you are a parent wondering how you can help your child navigate the world of secondary school English curriculum, this guide will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to support them every step of the way.

1. Send your child to secondary school English tuition

Send your child to secondary school English tuition

The O-Level English exam is a significant milestone for students, as it can determine their future academic and career opportunities. That is why sending your child to secondary school English tuition classes early on can help them prepare for this crucial exam.

Tuition lessons provide students with additional opportunities to practise their language skills outside of school and this is helpful if your child struggles with the pace of the classroom. Personalised attention will also help to improve their writing, grammar, or vocabulary skills at a faster pace.

Furthermore, English tuition teachers can offer guidance on how to approach the exam, what to expect, and provide students with valuable feedback on their writing and speaking skills. This gives your child an edge over other students in school.

2. Provide your child with sufficient resources

Provide your child with sufficient resources-Secondary English tuition Singapore

As a parent, you play a critical role in your child’s education and one of the most effective ways to support their learning is by providing them with the necessary resources.

When it comes to the secondary school English curriculum, having access to a wide variety of both fiction and non-fiction books as well as other reading materials is essential for developing language skills. They help students to explore different genres, writing styles, and themes. Reading also helps to improve vocabulary and comprehension, which are crucial for success in English exams and assignments.

In addition, enrolling them in a secondary school English tuition class where additional resources such as a diverse range of reading materials, past year exam papers, and other practice materials are provided will be beneficial.

3. Understand the secondary school English curriculum

Understand the secondary school English curriculum

As students progress through the levels, the curriculum becomes increasingly complex and you may find it challenging to keep up with the changes and expectations. That is why it is essential to take the time to understand the curriculum and how it aligns with your child’s learning goals.

Review the syllabus to gain a clear understanding of the key concepts and skills that your child will be learning and familiarise yourself with the exam format and requirements so you can offer targeted support to your child.

Alternatively, send your child to secondary school English tuition where experienced tutors who are familiar with the curriculum can provide your child with targeted feedback.

4. Offer positive reinforcement

Offer positive reinforcement-Secondary English tuition Singapore

Complimenting your child when they perform well in the subject or when they use a new word in conversations is an effective way to offer positive reinforcement. Encouragement motivates your child to continue putting effort into their language development and can help them build confidence in their abilities.

But instead of just saying “good job,” try to point out specific things that your child did well, such as using descriptive language or organising their thoughts effectively in their writing. This type of feedback, often employed by secondary school English tutors as well, helps your child understand where exactly they did well so they can continue improving in those areas.

5. Introduce a ‘speak English only’ day at home

Introduce a speak English only day at home-Secondary English tuition Singapore

The concept of ‘speak English only’ day is simple — on a designated day or time of the week, everyone in the family agrees to only converse in English. Creating an environment where English is the primary language spoken empowers your child to build confidence in their communication skills and improve their language proficiency.

Engage your child in conversations about a variety of topics, such as current events, books, or movies and use this opportunity to correct any grammar or pronunciation errors.

To further encourage the use of good English, send your child to secondary school English tuition where the structured and supportive environment is perfect for practising using proper grammar and vocabulary.

Help your child work towards English proficiency for a brighter tomorrow

English proficiency is essential for success in secondary school and beyond, and enrolling your child in English tuition is a great way to provide them with additional support and guidance. Developing English proficiency is not just about passing exams or getting good grades, it is about unlocking your child’s potential and empowering them to succeed in whatever they choose to do in life.

At The Thought Tailor, we provide one of the best secondary school English tuitions in Singapore. Our team of teachers consists of passionate, award-winning MOE-trained educators who have accumulated decades of experience teaching in a diverse range of schools.

Get in touch to find out more!

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